Invisible Braces – Explore the Alternative to Metal Braces


invisible bracesInvisible braces are becoming more popular by the minute. The number of people in need of braces or realizing their need for braces is growing fast, but a huge percentage of them are hindered by the idea of having metal surrounding your teeth and crowding your mouth. Braces are very effective, and it is true that they have a lot of uses. Braces can remedy a lot of dental problems. And there are no good alternatives to what braces can do for you. The problem is, a lot of people would feel uncomfortable with braces. And since good dentistry helps boost a person’s confidence, the use of braces may do otherwise.

For many, the long term benefits of braces are enough to convince them to get braces. But for some, having braces is out of the question. It may be because of a profession or a special activity that does not allow you to get braces or makes it difficult for you to get them. If you have any issues with the regular braces, why don’t you consider invisible braces?

The Basics on Invisible Braces

  • How do they work?
  • The benefits of invisible braces
  • How much do they cost?

1. How do they work?

Invisible braces are clear, plastic braces that you are supposed to wear for the total treatment period recommended by your dentist. These are removable and temporary. The entire procedure begins with a session with your orthodontist will create the plan for your invisible braces, which is often known as Invisalign. This is done through computer imaging and based on the measurements of your teeth. After planning the braces and taking your bite measurements, the clear braces will be ordered from the dental laboratory.

This procedure features an entire series of aligners or clear braces used successively and properly scheduled until the desired results are achieved. At first, the aligners will match the shape and position of your teeth. But as you progress through the procedure, the clear braces will slowly and gently apply pressure to your teeth and nudge them to the desired position or alignment.

On average, your treatment will take anywhere from 18 to 30 clear braces. The entire procedure often lasts as long as regular braces.

2. The benefits of invisible braces

There are many benefits that can be received from invisible braces, aside from the fact that they are comfortable since they are not as invasive as regular braces. This also saves you from the adjustment period most adults usually have to go through when they get braces. A lot of adults also choose to live with their dental problems instead of have metal braces for months or even years, but invisible braces make the bracing treatment more possible for many.

These clear braces or aligners are also removable so you don’t have to exert special effort in maintaining your dental hygiene.  Metal braces can cause several hygiene and maintenance issues for your teeth, and they can even restrict your food and drink choices. But aligners can be removed when necessary and will make it easier for you to maintain your teeth despite the braces.

3. How much do they cost?

The typical cost of invisible braces is around 20% to 50% more than the regular braces. Since you will be using different retainers and going to the dentist more, you will have to pay more. If you really have a problem with metal braces, then just weigh whether the additional cost is worth paying.

Some Disadvantages of Invisible Braces

Invisible braces, as you may already have expected, also come with certain disadvantages. First of all, there are some restrictions as to who can avail of the clear braces. This type of treatment is not advisable for children and patients whose dental sets are still adjusting or growing. Those with complex orthodontic needs are also advised to stick to the traditional braces.

Aside from that, you can only get them if you are already done with any restorative procedures you are interested in. Also, since these are removable, they can still cause some problems with speech, especially at first.

Most of all, the effectiveness of this procedure is purely dependent on your wearing of the braces. If you don’t wear the braces regularly, you won’t reap the benefits.